New website for Querlo
We are pleased to present you the new Querlo website!
Developed with preact 10 and prerendered with prerender.js for maximum performances.
Seguiamo gli standard del World Wide Web Consortium, xhtml 1.0, il nuovo html5, css 2 e 3; lato client utilizziamo javascript e le sue funzionalità AJAX per velocizzare al massimo la risposta dei siti da noi creati; lato server utilizziamo php, in particolare il framework MVC Code Igniter, lavoriamo principalmente su Mac OSX, e i nostri siti hanno pieno supporto Linux e Windows e dei principali browsers, dato che seguono gli standard dettati dal W3C.
We are pleased to present you the new Querlo website!
Developed with preact 10 and prerendered with prerender.js for maximum performances.
We are proud to announce that we released the Tetra Pak app realized for the Gulfood Manufacturing 2016 in Dubai! after 1½ years of development without mercy, reached maturity,
with its 500,000 (and counting) users it is finally paying off.
We are meanwhile working on a new and interesting project:, which exports the essence of the system of rewarding from bitLanders site to third-party ad campaigns and sites!
These projects have given us the chance to become experts in new technologies such AngularJS, MongoDB, NGINX, augmenting that the experience of the classic PHP-MySQL-APACHE on which these projects are based.
After 6 months of developing the new Film Annex beta is ready to be tested by all registered users!